MARCH 11th, 2011 (2:46pm)

2011/3/11 被災地上空写真

2011年3月11日 午後2:46


2011/4/22 倒壊した住宅 福島県いわき市

As you are already aware, at 2:46pm on March 11th, 2011, a massive earthquake and the subsequent tsunami devastated the Tohoku-Pacific region of Japan.As so many people said, both in Japan and overseas, the scenes were like something out of a movie: unbelievable in scale and horror.
But even seeing the horror of it on the news cannot prepare anyone for the scale of human suffering. And even a developed country like Japan has a seemingly impossible task in trying to overcome the trauma of the people in the stricken region and help them to rebuild their lives.



2011/3/11 津波に流される住宅と火事

Many people from many countries have already given huge personal resources to the relief effort. And many are still wondering how else they can help.
There are already countless charities involved at ground level, and sometimes this can in fact be detrimental to getting help out to the region.

私たちは「甚大な被害にあわれた人々・地域のために何かできないか?」との思いから「Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」を立ち上げました

We are some people among thousands who formed a group to help during this crisis. We all have one purpose and that is to help the people in the disaster stricken area. We have named this group, Team HEAL Japan.

このサイトをご覧いただき「Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」の活動について多くの方にご賛同いただければ幸いです

Please take a look through these pages and see if you'd like to offer your help.

2011/4/22 座礁した船 福島県いわき市

Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」では、一緒に活動してくれる仲間を募集しています

Everybody knows and appreciates that many of you have already paid a lot of hard earned money in donations.
But for some of you who don’t feel comfortable just paying into a big organization and hoping for the best, you may want to see in more detail what is happening to your money.

Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」は、被災地支援の活動報告と皆様の善意がどのように使われたかを、このサイトを通じて発表していきたいと思います



Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」では、少なくとも月に2回は被災地を訪れ、清掃活動・食料配布などの活動を行う予定です

Team HEAL Japan is planning to go at least twice a month starting immediately to offer our time to clean up, supply food and other essentials. Most of our work will be simple: shifting debris, cleaning out damaged buildings, giving out water, a helping hand, etc. This project will take a lot of time. However, we will provide all the time we have to offer.


We are in consultation with the existing relief bodies including the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and local governments in the disaster areas to decide how we can most effectively get aid to people. With their help we are planning to take numerous trips to the areas in need to help wherever help is not yet getting through.



Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」では多くの仲間を募っており、チームとして継続的に被災地での援助活動を行っていきます

Many people are eager to participate in some way. However, it’s always difficult to do it alone. With our network of so many people residing in Japan, we will continue to take visits up north together.

Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」へご支援いただいた寄付金の一部を、援助を必要としている被災地自治体への義援金として送り、被災者の生活支援に役立てていきます

Team HEAL Japan started our site to offer what we can using your donations of any size. Our emphasis is very much on providing direct aid in terms of physical labor from people who may not normally be able to offer it to people who are most in need of it.

こうした皆様のボランティア参加寄付金により「Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」は成り立っております。皆様のご協力に感謝申し上げます

We appreciate everyone's continued patience and support in helping devastated people overcome unimaginable trauma.

Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」の活動の目的はシンプルで「被災地の方が笑顔を取り戻していただけるためのお手伝いをしたい」ということです

Our mission is simple. To offer a helping hand through a universal language; a smile.